Monday, September 18, 2006

Group nouns?

Ok, so we have:

A herd of antelope
A shrewedness of apes
A troop of baboons
A clutter of cats
A bevy of otter
A parliament of owls
An ostentation of peacocks
An obstinacy of buffalo
An implausibility of gnu
A float of crocodiles
A gloom of goths
A charm of finches
A murder of crows

What do we call a collective of bloggers, please?


Anonymous said...

Hmm... how 'bout a waste of bloggers? You know. Just cause.

Or if you'd care to be more to be more poetic, a bloom of bloggers.

Anonymous said...

a haggle of bloggers

Anonymous said...

It's too early on a Monday morning to try to be funny, so I'll try... a feed of bloggers, or an aggregation of bloggers.

Or perhaps, since so many people do "me too" posts, a repetition of bloggers.

TimT said...

A google of bloggers.
An ogle of bloggers.
A stalk of bloggers.
An elite of bloggers.
A wittering of bloggers.
A byte of bloggers.
A snuggle of bloggers.
A wanktative of bloggers.

Ogle of bloggers is my favourite, closely followed by wittering.

Adrian Harris said...

a moc of bloggers - similar to mob but it 'mocks' the cyber nature of blogging by being a physical meeting - hence 'com' spelt backwards - maybe too lateral?

an act of bloggers (actual/physical meeting - taking action)

a ... of bloggers ('dot,dot,dot')

a div tag of bloggers

an accent of bloggers

good to meet you too Richard.

Anonymous said...

Hi there :-)

How about . . .

An opinionation of bloggers
An indulgence of bloggers
A tirade of bloggers
A cascade of bloggers
A template of bloggers
A syndication of bloggers
A bloat of bloggers
An inbreeding of bloggers
A cross-polination of bloggers
A qwerty of bloggers

Risperdal Constatine I said...

When you settle on one make sure you pass it on to the Great Eye at the Herald Sun. It'll bring the house down.

Johnny said...

A byte of bloggers?

Tim Norton said...

a brood of bloggers
a bind of bloggers
a host of bloggers
a charm of bloggers
a kindle of bloggers
(kindle is group for kittens - I like the fuzziness aspect, but not the close association to fire)

elaine said...

a procrastination?

um. NO I AM NOT.

ok. maybe I am...

Anonymous said...


On the way into work I pondered the many possible collective nouns for bloggers.

We could be geeky

A network of bloggers, perhaps?
A chain of bloggers, maybe.
or even a cord of bloggers
(which came from moving laterally from "a keyboard of bloggers" to "a chord of bloggers" and maybe it's a measure of the sort of blogs I'm reading that my mind instantly jumped to thinking about wood)

The last one led to :
an accord of bloggers

which suggested

a disagreement of bloggers.

We could go classical...

a panarachnion of bloggers

Detractors would probably go for something like

an repetition of bloggers
an echo-chamber of bloggers
an embarrasment of bloggers
Or playing on the geek angle
a carnival of bloggers (or more cruelly "a freakshow of bloggers")

But my favoriate out of all of them was

"A Blot of Bloggers" :-)


TimT said...

I quite like A QWERTY of bloggers, but that's because robskee STOLE THE IDEA off me! Damn!

Mel said...

A meme of bloggers?

Went to Control HQ on Saturday night (Sunday morning), very drunk, and thought of you.

richardwatts said...

This post is starting to rival the night I got bashed as the most commented-upon post ever! Keep the ideas coming please, people!!

Anonymous said...

I return with more!

A superfluity of bloggers
A ubiquity of bloggers
An unabashedness of bloggers
An annoyance of bloggers
A typepad of bloggers (will they sue??)
A torrent of bloggers
A block-quote of bloggers
A tagmeme of bloggers
A blisting of bloggers
A cross-post of bloggers
A toggle of bloggers
A flame of bloggers
A thread of bloggers
A flickr of bloggers (they will definitely sue!)
A contradiction of bloggers
A confrontation of bloggers

richardwatts said...

I think my favourites so far are:

A repetition of bloggers
A whittering of bloggers
A byte of bloggers
An indulgence of bloggers
A qwerty of bloggers
A torrent of bloggers

I admit to being surprised that no-one has suggested:

A hive of bloggers

I almost ended up at Control on Sat night/Sun morning too, Mel, except I was too drunk to actually make it there!

Born Dancin' said...

I like:

A gurgle of bloggers
A jeremiad of bloggers
An accident of bloggers
A corpulence of bloggers
A gavel of bloggers
A stench of bloggers

Not because any have any relevance or pun-iness, but because I just do.

But my favourite would have to be "A myriad of bloggers" since it's suggests diversity and complexity while also being completely incorrect, grammatically, thus reflecting the way bloggers reappropriate language in ideolectic ways. And stuff.

Anonymous said...


a link of bloggers

a repost of bloggers

a regurgitation of bloggers

or for those few out there who accomplish nothing
a bludge of bloggers

Anonymous said...

a splatter of bloggers,

as in all over the toilet bowl.


Anonymous said...

what about a shower of cunts?

yani said...

I can't believe nobody else has come up with this one...

A click of bloggers...

You know... click/clique...
